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时间:2017-02-28 来源:搜猪网 作者:佚名

  RUSSIA - Cherkizovo Group, the largest vertically integrated meat and feed producer in Russia, has launched a new sow farm in the Lipetsk region. Igor Babaev, founder of Cherkizovo Group, and Oleg Korolev, head of administration of the Lipetsk region, both attended the opening.This new facility will supply sows to Cherkizovo’s pork production facilities located in the Lipetsk and Voronezh regions. The sow farm’s weekly capacity is 11,600 sows of simultaneous placement and 7,000 weaned piglets. Once fully operational, the facility will boost production in the Group’s pork segment by 350,000 heads per annum. Total investment into the project amounted to RUB 1.3 billion.

  Cherkizovo集团是俄罗斯最大的垂直一体化肉类与饲料生产商,它在利佩茨克地区新建了一家母猪养殖场。Cherkizovo集团创始人Igor Babaev与利佩茨克地区行政负责人Oleg Korolev都参加了此次剪彩仪式。这家新养殖场将向Cherkizovo集团在利佩茨克与沃罗涅什地区的猪肉生产设施供应母猪。这家母猪养殖场每周可容纳11600头母猪以及7000头断奶仔猪。一旦全面运转,该养殖场将让Cherkizovo集团在猪肉生产领域的年产量达到35万头。项目总投资超过13亿卢布。
