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时间:2017-03-20 来源:搜猪网 作者:佚名

  NETHERLANDS - Big Dutchman will start marketing an award-winning new sensor developed by Dräger with immediate effect: the DOL 53 sensor. Farmers can use this sensor to measure and monitor the ammonia concentration in their pig houses permanently – for the first time ever. The data provided by the sensor allow the ideal regulation of climate, manure removal and feed management in the barn. With good management, this results in a significant reduction of the ammonia content in the air. Negative consequences on animal health are avoided.

  大荷兰人公司(Big Dutchman)将销售一款由德尔格公司(Dräger)开发的新型传感器,该传感器曾获一致好评并拥有即时效应,叫做DOL 53型传感器。养殖户可以使用这款传感器不停歇测量和监控猪舍的氨浓度。这是有史以来第一款采用如此先进技术的传感器。传感器提供的数据将让猪舍的空气环境、粪肥清除与饲养管理得到理想的调节。通过优质管理,将让空气中的氨浓度显著减少,避免牲畜健康受到负面影响。
